This one’s for the men – the few, the proud, the males who use dōTERRA® essential oils and find them to be practical and purposeful additions to their daily lives. Today we focus on a couple of particularly masculine applications for oils, perfect for both a seasoned user and one who is brand new to figuring out what to do with these fragrant liquids in small brown bottles. We’re getting straight to the point with two oils that could definitely be described as manly, along with grounding, earthy, spicy, and useful. Let’s get going!
Many women can attest to the fact that the special men in their lives have a grounding, balancing effect on the people around them. Being known as Mr. Steady is a great compliment, and this name could apply to Patchouli in the sense that its down-to-earth aroma helps maintain balance when circumstances seem to overwhelm. Black Pepper, on the other hand, is sharp and protective, embodying a wholly different yet equally valuable set of fatherly qualities.
So go ahead and locate your Black Pepper and Patchouli essential oils, because they’re the ones you’ll be using to stand out from the crowd with a distinct scent in the following body spray.
To create Striking Body Spray, gather:
4 drops Black Pepper
4 drops Patchouli
4 drops Lavender
2 ounces water
Misting bottle
Combine essential oils with water in misting bottle and start using your personal scented body spray. Couldn’t get any easier. Better than a mixture in an aerosol bottle on a grocery store shelf, this concoction is so unique you’ll probably be the only man in the vicinity wearing it.
To make the enticing scents of Patchouli, Black Pepper, and other choice oils linger longer, put a few drops on the underside of a thick leather wristband designed for men. A local craft store or quick search online will work to procure one of these, with the options of braided or engraved leather tailoring to personal preference. Wear the Scented Leather Band around your wrist to carry those grounding, attractive aromas with you throughout the day. Simple and handsome, the leather band will match a variety of wardrobe choices while holding the oils’ aroma for up to two days. When the scent is gone, choose between trying a new combination of oils and just sticking with a favorite blend once it’s become your personal signature.
To the ladies who’ve read to this point, hopefully you’ve gleaned a clue or two regarding ways for the men in your life to experience dōTERRA’s usefulness and practicality. Like the special men in our lives, certain oils stand out as particularly handsome, dashing, and impressive. Take the time to tell these guys today what you admire most about them, and encourage them to up their dashing factor with a dash of manly Black Pepper and Patchouli!